Nutrition & Wellness Services

Welcome to GC Healthy Lifestyles,
Congratulations on taking the first step towards rejuvenation through real, healthy foods! At GC Healthy Lifestyles, I, Gwen Cottingham, a Registered Nutritionist and Certified Life Coach, am dedicated to providing simple, effective nutritional solutions with no gimmicks to help you achieve a sustainable, healthier lifestyle.

Why Choose GC Healthy Lifestyles?

Personalized Approach: I take the time to understand your needs, what you have tried, and what has not worked for you yet.

Comprehensive Coaching: My coaching includes customized meal plans, accountability coaching, mindset coaching, and supplements tailored to your needs.

Holistic Health: Combining conventional and non-conventional methods for a balanced approach to health and wellness.

Health & Wellness Coaching

From weight management and disease prevention to family nutrition and meal planning, I provide a proven approach to identifying personal barriers, understanding the relationship between health and nutrition, and implementing effective strategies towards healthier habits. Additionally, my life coaching services focus on managing stress, addressing emotional eating, overcoming negativity, and navigating life’s challenges. Together, we will work on:

  • Building a Healthy Relationship with Food: Learn to enjoy food without guilt and make nutritious choices that are satisfying and fun.

  • Mindset Coaching: Shift your mindset towards a more positive and empowering outlook on health and wellness.

  • Stress Management: Develop techniques to manage stress effectively, improving overall well-being.

  • Emotional Eating: Understand the triggers and develop strategies to overcome emotional eating.

  • Goal Setting and Accountability: Set realistic health goals and stay accountable through regular check-ins and support.

GC Healthy Lifestyle Packages

  • Intake & Assessment Session (1 to 1.5 hrs): $195 + HST (for all new clients)

  • 3-Session Package (30 min each): $160 + HST

  • 6-Session Package (30 min each): $300 + HST

  • One-Off Session (1 hr): $120 + HST

Specialized Workshops / Lunch'n Learns / Talks

Workshops & Special Events start at $200 depending on topics, duration, and location.

  • Grocery Shopping Trip - Learning to read labels

  • Eating for your hormones

  • Nutrition with auto-immune disorders

  • What to eat after a heart-attack/stroke

  • Managing diabetes with food

  • Nutrition for Athletes

  • The importance of goal setting and accountability in achieving success

  • Building small habits that = long-term results

These are just some examples.

Corporate Wellness Packages

Investing in the health and wellness of your employees can lead to increased productivity, reduced absenteeism, and a more positive workplace environment.

Our corporate lunch and learns and workshops provide valuable insights and practical tips to help your team achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle, benefiting both their personal well-being and your company's bottom line.

Sample Packages:

  • Package 1 – Micro Business (Under 20 employees)

    $15 + HST per employee (Minimum of 8)

  • Package 2 – Small Business (21-100 Employees)

    $12 + HST per employee (Minimum of 25)

  • Package 3 – Corporate/Enterprise

    Contact for pricing

    All packages are customizable and include a minimum $200.00 setup/admin fee. Ongoing monthly sessions offer better pricing.


What is holistic nutrition?

Holistic nutrition is a holistic approach to health and wellness that focuses on the whole person, not just their diet. It takes into account all aspects of your life, including your physical and mental health, your environment, and your relationships. Holistic nutritionists believe that food is a powerful tool that can be used to heal the body, mind, and spirit.

They work alongside healthcare providers to deal with many aspects involved in a client’s health.

Forget the fads, the gimmicks, the false promises for quick results. We know that sustainability is not put in place over night.

What is the difference between a holistic nutritionist and a registered dietitian?

Dieticians tend to have an emphasis on biology and chemistry and that their education is focused on conducting and interpreting food studies and research, global food-related problems, organizational aspects of institutional functioning, the intricacies of macro and micro nutrients, and dietary programs based on government Food Guides.

For holistic nutrition professionals basic science, instruction on how nutrients contribute to health and disease, and how to read nutritional research are covered by all of the approved nutrition schools, but the emphasis is on how to use these insights to help people make positive diet and health changes. A heavy emphasis in our education is put on conducting consultation sessions with the use of symptomatology, understanding alternative modalities and building individualized programs based on various dietary approaches. Also, our training includes the added holistic dimension that considers the impact of digestion, detoxification, stress management, movement, and the body-mind-spirit connection on health and wellbeing. We also learn about natural health products like nutritional supplements and botanicals.

Dietitians are recognized and regulated by government, and are held to rules set by a government body while a responsive body of peers defines practice policies. Regulation allows Dietitians to work in government sectors such as hospitals.

Certified Holistic Nutrition professionals are not regulated by government but still do have industry regulations in place. Those of us who are members of one of our professional associations must meet professional requirements in education, continued education, and conduct ourselves according to a Code of Ethics and other practice parameters.

Currently in Canada, membership in a professional association is voluntary for holistic nutrition professionals. It is important to work with one who is a member of one of our associations (CANNP, CAHN-pro or IONC) so you know they are meeting these specific standards.

How much does it cost to see a holistic nutritionist?

The cost of seeing a Certified Registered Nutritionists can vary depending on the practitioner's experience, expertise, experience and on what you need.

Some may also be trained in bloodwork, as a life coach, Reiki, Women's Health & Hormones, etc.

Most holistic nutritionists charge by the hour, but some may also offer packages or discounts.

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